Monday, 23 September 2013

The boon for INDRA and fruit of devotion

We see one of the great story about the Indra.Indra who always anxious about his throne or kingdom. So he got a boon from Shiva that whoever does any kind of penance or meditation ,the fruit for this act must be come to him(Indra).But Shiva gave the boon with one condition.If a devotee would drop a water droplet beneath his seat and this drop by his finger put on his forehead ( tilak ) then its benefit would go to the devotee. Indra satisfied with this condition and pleased.Because he knew that no one aware about this act.In Sanskrit language water is indicated through a word Apah (आपः) and also synonyms to Praan .In the meditation first subtle prana should be active.That prana must be in Sushuma naadi or nerve.which is located between two eyes (Bhrumadhy).When a meditator fix his gaze in this nerve ,consciousness trevels on higher realm.When Saadhak does not act this action then its fruit would go to Indra.Sushumna only gives benefit to Saadhaka,otherwise prana flow to Ida or pingala nerve.Saadhak might deprived from the higher state of consciousnessIndra actually rules or the owner of Indriyaas.Medation in Ida may produce the tamo gun in consiousness,further after meditation this enjoys through the organs.Likely Pingla nerve charged and Rajo gun active.Indra lives this kingdom and it is his heavenIt is must that subtle prana first sthir (aasan) in the sushumna nerve.Then only yogi gets the desired fruit and trevels Indriyaatit state touches the higher realm of consciousness.

एक कथा प्रचलित है | इन्द्र को अपने आसन की चिंता थी | सो इसने शिव से एक वरदान प्राप्त कर लिया की जो भी  व्यक्ति भक्ति करेगा उसका फल मुझे मिल जाये |तो शिव ने एक शर्त पर ऐसा वर देदिया की जो भक्त आसन के निचे जल की  बूंद डाल उसका  भ्रूमध्य में तिलक  लगा लेगा उसकी भक्ति का फल तुम्हे नहीं मिलेगा | हा जो इसे नहीं करेगा उसका फल तुमको ही मिलेगा | इस वरदान से इन्द्र प्रसन्नचित हो गया | क्यों की उसे ज्ञात था ऐसा करने वाले भक्त कम ही है | उस तप के फल से  अपने राज्य का सुख भोग सकेगा |वस्तुतः इस कथा के माध्यम से एक गूढ़ रहस्य का उदघाटन हुवा है | ध्यानादि क्रिया में अत्यंत स्मरण रखने योग्य है | आसन के निचे जल की बूंद के होने का तात्पर्य सूक्ष्म प्राण को जाग्रत करने की क्रियासे  है | जल को संस्कृत में परिभाषित किया गया आपः से | आपः को प्राण से सम्बोधित किया है | ये प्राण भ्रूमध्य पर स्थित करना आवश्यक है | जहाँ सुषुम्ना नाडी है | सुषुम्ना में प्राण स्थिर करने पर भक्ति का फल साधक को अवश्य प्राप्त होता है | जिससे चेतना उर्ध्वगामी होती है |                           यदि प्राण इडा और पिंगला में बहे तो वह भक्ति का फल इनदोनो नाड़ियों से इन्द्र को चला जाता है | साधक आध्यात्मिक उन्नति नहीं कर पाता| | इन्द्र हमारे व्यक्तिव के उस चेतन्य को दर्शाता है जिसने इन्द्रियों पर शासन कर रखा है | इन्द्रियों के सुख में लीन है | वही उसके लिए स्वर्ग बना हुवा है | जब इडा में प्राण के चलते ध्यान किया जाता है तो चेतना में तम का प्रभाव जाग्रत रहता है ,जो इन्द्रियों में तत्सम्बन्धित सुख के रुपमे इन्द्र देखता है | ठीक उसी तरह पिंगला में रजो गुण का समझना चाहिए |सुषुम्ना में स्थिर प्राण इन्द्रियातीत हो कर परम की और गमन करते है | इसिलए सूक्ष्म प्राण पर आसन लगा कर सुषुम्ना का आग्रह है |

Monday, 9 September 2013


गणेश की उत्पति के सम्बन्ध में यह विचार प्रचलित है की जब पार्वती स्नान आदि कर्म को उपस्थित थी तो स्वयं के मेल से एक बालक का निर्माण किया और पहरे पर खड़ा कर दिया | शिव के पार्वती से मिलने आने पर वह बालक प्रतिरोध करता है इस पर शिव के त्रिशूल से उस बालक  का शिरछेदन हो जाता है | तब पार्वती की गुहार पर नए सिर का आरोपण ,जो वस्तुतःनव प्रसूत हाथी का होता है ,किया जाता है | इसी को गणेश नाम से ख्याति मिली है |जो विध्नहर्ता और शुभ कर्मो में प्रथम वन्दनीय माना जाता है |लोक में इस प्रकार की आकृति का बालक रहा या नहीं इस पर विवाद हो सकता है परन्तु हमारे व्यक्तित्व में भीतर की  यात्रा में इस  हस्ती गणेश का अवश्य जन्म संभव होता है | आध्यात्म की और चलने पर हमारी बुद्धि की मलिनता को हटाना अतिआवश्यक है | संस्कृत भाषा में पार्वती का पर्याय उमा को कहा है | जिसका अर्थ बुद्धि है | बुद्धि जब आध्यात्म मार्ग पर आरूढ़ होती है तो वह उसका स्नान कर्म(ध्यान आदि क्रियाये भी कर्म है ) कहा जाना चाहिए | जल जो आपः से संबोधित है | इसका तात्पर्य कर्म से भी है | जब कर्म आदि व्यापार से शुद्धता  का ध्यान रखते हुवे व्यवहार होता है तो एक प्रकार का सूक्ष्म तत्व जिसे अहम् कहते है निर्माण होता रहता है | यह अहम् वस्तुतः बुद्धि का मल है जो बुद्धि का स्व  निर्मित है |जब तक यह सूक्ष्म अहम् द्वार पर खडा है तब तक शिव या कल्याण की आशा न्यून ही रहती है | परन्तु चुकी शिव, बुद्धि की शुद्ध क्रियायों को ध्यान में रखता है उसका मिलना अवश्यम्भावी है |सो शिव की कृपा से उस अहम् का सिर छेदन होता | लेकिन अहम् का छेदन भी त्रिशूल द्वारा संभव हो पाता है | तात्पर्य है ये शूल शिव के द्वारा प्रेषित होने से इसे कल्याण कारी मानना चाहिए | व्यवहार में कल्याण के लिए ज्ञान ,कर्म और भाव का प्रयोग ही अहम् के लिए त्रिशूल है जिससे अहम् नष्ट प्रायः सा होजाता है |अब शिव प्रत्यक्ष सामने है परन्तु पार्वती  अहम् के बिना शिव के संग रहना नहीं चाहती | अहम् को तत्क्षण अपनी हस्ती(हाथी ) का आभास होता है ,इसे ही पुराणकार हाथी के शिर रोपण से दर्शाता है | अहम् का यह रूप निर्विध्न हो कर सर्वत्र प्रसंशनीय बन कर रहता है |जिसकी अंतिम परिणति आपः (दिव्य कर्म ) में ही मानी गयी है |जिसे प्रतिमा को जल (आपः ) में बहाकर लोक में हम देखते है |

Monday, 26 August 2013

ASTAMI is Important for KRISHNA appearance

Krisna always take birth on Astmi .Here we can under stand that why Astmi is choosed for Krisna like person. Appearance on the level eighth is very important,इन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनो मनसः सत्वमुतमम सत्वादधिमह� �� ��नात्म�� �� � महतोअव्यक्मुतमं 6/7 kathWe have in our inner life seven level which r used for outer world.These r according to verse of Upnishad 5 insturments for knowledge or perceptions with mind and intellect which is merge in ego.Ordinary person lives on these levels.They r seven.Every time we behave likely either good or may be evil.Here on the seventh level Sat and Asat we can called.We should know that three koshas have its own level with mind and intellect.Annamay has 5 karmendriya+mind +egoistic intellect.Likely in praanmaya 5 vital pran+mind+egoistic intellect .When some one try to go beyond means he is over sat and asat. Here one can churn. Symbolically we can imagine two wooden sticks which r in crossing each other making the cross.Lying horizontally and vertically.So one who can go beyond the level and establish him self on that level ,we can say when sadhna becomes mature he jumped to over and take birth on eighth level.which is in this verse of Upnishad सत्वादधिमहानात्म�� �� � The word Krishna means Kris +Na the root word kris karasne means attraction. Sat and Asat here turbulence rapidly on this level but in sadhna one never gets attraction towards the world.So why Krish+na called beyond sat and asat we can understand.And also he has no attraction to personal desires or worldly desires.That person can be only the KRISHNA who takes birth on Astmi.The possibility in every man that can have the birth of godly Krishna on this level.The appearance.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Spiritual festival RAKSHA_BANDHAN

मानव जीवन की सार्थकता उसके भीतर चेतना के होने मात्र से दिखाई पड़ती है | मानव में आत्मा का प्रवेश बहुत बड़ा भाग्योदय मान सकते है | यह होना मात्र "अस " कहलाता है | व्यक्तित्व के सभी स्तरों पर इस  चैतन्य का प्रवाह हो रहा है|बुद्धि ,क्रिया और भाव संसार की ओर चल कर अच्छे बुरे समाज और वातावरण के जन्म दाता बनते है | इसी को सुन्दर बनाने की कल्पना मनीषीयो  की रहती है | यह "सु " बने यही वांछित हो | इस सामुदायिक शब्द को  सु+अस=  स्वस कहा जाता है | यही स्वस आ प्रत्यय से स्वसा बना है ,जिसके भगिनी ,बहिन इत्यादि पर्याय है |जब बुद्धि सुबुद्धि हो ,क्रिया सद्क्रिया हो ओर भाव सद्भाव हो तो वह वस्तुतः स्वस है भगिनी है यश प्रदायिनी है |यह जहाँ एक ओर पूर्ण आल्हाद (पूर्णिमा ; चदि आल्हादने पूर्ण चन्द्रमा आल्हादन का द्योतक है ) का वातावरण बनाने में सहायक है ,वही इस त्रयी को ओंकार युक्त करने में सहायक बनती है | दीर्घ उ(रक्षक ) के साथ इसे स +ऊ- सू  से संबोधित करते है |यही "सू " त्रयी के साथ मिल कर सूत्र बना हुआ है | जिसे प्रचलित भाषा में रक्षा सूत्र कहा ही जाता है |यही सूत्र स्वसा व्यक्तित्व को पोषक बन रक्षा करता है | पोषक के लिए भ्राता शब्द से हम सभी परिचित है |परम सत्ता इस सूत्र से मानव के स्वस स्तर से नित्य जुडी है | अतः रक्षा बंधन आधात्मिक दृष्टि से  महत्त्व पूर्ण त्यौहार है |

Soul who enters in the human body actually very fortunate in compare to other animal .If the soul exists in the human body then it is called ‘AS " in hindi  the existing. At all level of personality the consciousness works like flowing energy. Intelligence, emotion and activities all r the gate way through which the energy makes gross atmosphere either good or evil.The learned people always try to make beautiful society.So for goodness it is Soo for all three gates .There must be good wisdom for wellness in society ,Activities must be also  good and for wellness with good emotions. Svas which means sister,the synonyms Bhagini the giver of Yasha.Certainly goodness always increases the Yash (reputation or fame )All three which mentioned before represent the word TRA = they become su , increases the protective  level linked with super consciousness indicating here the vowel U (laterally means the protector) . So with U the word gives Sa (with)+U(the super conscious level,protector)+TRA ( the three gate ways flowing their goodness.) make SOOTRA   we know this like thread or sutra, other side it creates the pleasant atmosphere (the full moon is the indication  chadi –aalhaadne makes the word Chandrama)The sutra always gives the nourishment to svas level of consciousness so for this we see the  word BHRATA(brother) in the language.Bhrata already represents meaning to nourish .This festival of Raksha Bandhan has the mysterious massage which makes the society beautiful other side one can get the higher realm of consciousness.  

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Yoga and Diet ------------ Paramhansa Yogananda

" Even foods, which also are material condensations of astral rays of life, have effects that are correlated to their color. Various kinds of natural white foods are good for the nervous system,- they benefit the white matter of the brain. Berries are good for the gray matter of the brain—that is, blueberries or blackberries (which are really purple). Most fruits are gold in color (or variants of gold, such as red and orange). As gold is the color of the creative vibratory energy in matter, such fruits help the muscles, the blood, and the tissues. Goat's milk, unbleached almonds, and raisins are very good for the nervous system. But all forms of meat of higher animals, especially beef and pork, are harmful to the nervous system; they are hyper-stimulating and cause aggressiveness.Avoid too much starch, especially foods made from refined flour. Eat whole grains, cottage cheese, and plenty of fruits, fruit juices, and fresh vegetables—these are important. Needless to say, alcoholic beverages and drugs destroy the nervous system; stay away from them.A yogic drink that is very good for the nervous system is made by adding crushed rock candy and fresh lime juice to a glass of water. It should be thoroughly mixed and evenly blended so that the taste is equally sweet and sour. I have recommended this to many people with excellent results.Another beneficial practice when you are very nervous is to take a cold bath. I once told this to a newspaperman. He said, "Well, if I did that every time I was nervous, I would have to carry a bathtub with me all the time!" I said, "Not necessary. Take a large piece of ice and rub it all over, the body, especially over all the openings of the body. With this yoga technique, you will find that your nerves will become much calmer."

Friday, 24 May 2013

The penance of Buddha boy in Nepal 2

We are in Pattharkot in the
Sarlahi district, at a site that has beenprepared for the Maha Matri WorldPeace Puja, where tens of thousands ofdevotees from all over Nepal, and theworld, have come to see and receiveGuru’s blessing. Not that it is essentialto be in his direct presence; many haveclaimed profound transformationseven at a distance, purely byassociation with him in thought andheart.Guru’s devotees extend far and wide,with many having become acquaintedwith his teachings on his website.Often, his followers have the dramaticstories to tell. Beside his broader baseof supporters, Guru has his regularcore devotees—made up of Nepalis aswell as foreigners—who say they havebeen singled out to form his vanguardor sangha, an entity charged withspreading dharma.It was at age 15 that Guru firstvanished into the jungles of Nepal, toensconce himself in the hollow trunk ofa giant peepal tree, to meditate, hesaid, in penitential atonement for thesins of the world, and pray for itsdeliverance from suffering andignorance. For six years, and oftenbefore the media’s prying eyes, he’sbelieved to have gone on without foodor water, evolving thereon from anordinary boy into the manifest divinitynow able to the touch the hearts of somany around the world.He had started out under his ordainedname—Palden Dorje—andsubsequently acquired various titles,reflecting his advance towardsBuddhahood. From Om Namo GuruBuddha Gyani, he was then calledBodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha, andfinally, Maha Sambodhi DharmaSangha or ‘The Great DharmaCongregation of the FullyEnlightened’—an extraordinary titlefor a 21-year-old, especially one as shyand soft-spoken as he, with only afourth-grade education.Guru’s strengthening powers over theyears were dazzling to hear of. Hewent underground at one point,purportedly persisting without air,even undergoing spontaneouscombustion, his robes consumed byfire and hair singed. For an hour, he’ssaid to have danced naked in theflames, holding his ritual bell andvajra. His story was made particularlyfamous worldwide by the DiscoveryChannel’s documentary The Boy withDivine Powers, which had begunfilming 10 months into his mediation,partly an effort to test whether thethen-Palden Dorje was reallyabstaining from food and water. Afterfilming 72 hours from a distance of150 metres, the team was allowed tomove closer to film for another 96hours, all throughout which themeditator did not move one whit.Producers and researchers consulteddoctors and scientists, who all affirmedthat the human body could not bearwater deprivation for more than fourdays. But there he was, doing just that,not merely surviving, but thriving,becoming healthier and morebeautiful as his divine attributesunfolded, and the secrets andunderstanding of the entire universewere revealed to him.But in almost direct proportion to thisgrowing fame worldwide, localopposition to Guru has been mountingfrom influential sectors, with whatseems to be an intent to suppress, ifnot eradicate, the phenomenon.But his influence, nevertheless, hascontinued to soar. The scale of thepuja in Pattharkot—presently the soleearthly refuge for the Guru and hisnascent sangha—stands as evidence tothis. The air here is alive withchanting, music, and the smell ofincense. There aren’t many facilitiesfor devotees, to be sure, but there is apervading sense of peace and serenitythat compensate for any lack ofmaterial comforts—it is anundercurrent that binds us all, localsand outsiders, regardless of where wecome from, the language we speak.An American devotee with bright blueeyes hidden behind horn-rimmedglasses, sporting a long mustache andbeard, and clad in a loose dhoti andshirt is sitting on the ground eating. Heis known here for the tasty salads hewhips up, of the kind you can’t find inlocal kitchens. A woman from NewZealand, a clairvoyant medium andclairsentient, finds her visions comealive at certain points, and claims thepuja site vibrates with an energy farhigher than anywhere she’s been tobefore, bestowed with an energy thatis inducing profound changes andtransforming those in attendance. Wealso have, among foreign devotees, the‘Crystal Children’, who work on higherspiritual planes to heal. From dawn todusk, little groups meditate togetheron puja grounds. The followers are onein their devotion to Guru, and in theircommitment to study and spread hisword. They are all perfectly happy,perfectly at peace in this cocoon ofGuru’s making.When asked during a meeting in 2010if his teachings pertained to Buddhismor Hinduism, Guru had replied thatwhat he represented was BodhiDharma, which included all religions.“No one is excluded,” he hademphasised.In this sense, Maha Sambodhi DharmaSangha could very well be one ofNepal’s gifts to the world. All of Guru’sdevotees testify that he really is thethe greatest gift to humanity sinceGautam Buddha 2500 years ago. Guru’sfollowers exhibit a profound love andtrust in him, each professing to havefound in him a certainty, a clarity thatthey felt lacking in the worldotherwise.This is what brought young Q here allthe way from his native France,spurred as he was by the desire towash himself of falsehoods andembrace the Guru’s truth, to knowMaitreya, the Buddha of this Age. “Thevery first time I heard aboutMaitreya,I knew instantly that my path led

straight to him.”

From AdiBaBa

The penance of Buddha Boy in Nepal

The Buddha Boy as he was nicknamed - initiated by his Lama as Palden Dorje is now known as Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha first came to our attention around 2005, at the age of 15, when he began his 6 year intense meditation tapas and penance in the Jungle in Nepal. He has since mastered meditation, communicating with Buddhas in realms beyond the earth, living on prana and sitting in fire as spiritual penance.
Breaking his meditation at one point he gave a teaching gave in Halkhoriya jungle, under his meditation tree.On 2 August 2007, Bomjon addressed a large crowd in Halkhoriya jungle in the Bara district of southern Nepal. The Namo Buddha Tapoban Committee, which is devoted to looking after Bomjon, assembled the meeting. A notice about the boy's first-ever preaching was broadcast by a local FM radio station, and the committee also invited people by telephone. Around three thousand people gathered to listen to Bomjon's address. A video was made of the event.According to Aditya Sedhai, a blogger who wrote an article and took pictures of the meeting, Bomjon's message was,"The only way we can save this nation is through spirituality".This was his speech:Murder, violence, greed, anger and temptation have made the human world a desperate place. A terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying the world towards destruction. There is only one way to save the world and that is through dharma. When one doesn't walk the righteous path of spiritual practice, this desperate world will surely be destroyed. Therefore, follow the path of spirituality and spread this message to your fellows. Never put obstacles, anger and disbelief in the way of my meditation's mission. I am only showing you the way; you must seek it on your own.
What I will be, what I will do, the coming days will reveal. Human salvation, the salvation of all living beings and peace in the world are my goal and my path. "Namo Buddha sangaya, Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya." I am contemplating on the release of this chaotic world from the ocean of emotion, on our detachment from anger and temptation, without straying from the path for even a moment: I am renouncing my own attachment to my life and my home forever. I am working to save all living beings. But in this undisciplined world my life's practice is reduced to mere entertainment.
The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is directed at the world's betterment and happiness. It is essential, but very difficult, to understand that practice and devotion. But though it is easy to lead this ignorant existence, human beings don't understand that one day we must leave this uncertain world and go with the Lord of Death. Our long attachments with friends and family will dissolve into nothingness. We have to leave behind the wealth and property we have accumulated.
What is the use of my happiness when those who have loved me from the beginning - my mother, father, brothers, relatives - are all unhappy? Therefore to rescue all sentient beings I have to be Buddha-mind and emerge from my underground cave to do vajra meditation. To do this I have to realize the right path and knowledge, so do not disturb my practice. My practice detaches me from my body, my soul and this existence. In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present, along with the sounds of thunder and of "tangur", and all the celestial gods and goddesses will be doing puja (worship). So until I have sent a message do not come here and please explain this to others. Spread spiritual knowledge and spiritual messages throughout the world. Spread the message of world peace to all. Seek a righteous path and wisdom will be yours.
Second speech excerpt:
Prayers of Kunchu Suma – message of peace for all living creatures and for the spiritual prosperity of humankind. Salutations to all spiritual seekers, saints, religions and all organizations.
After I was commanded by the spirit to save and uplift humankind and the creatures of the world, I have abided by the promise to save the ephemeral world from the ocean of emotions and to free the world from the worldly sins. I have been meditating (dhyana) to free humankind and all living creatures. All sentient beings want to get free from worldly sorrows and pains. But by birth, they are not equipped as humankind to seek after spirituality and get free. They are also praying to God (the source/spirit). They are happy to be in this world.
Humankind is creating traditions that will destroy the entire humanity and living creatures. In the name of religion killings, violence, anger, jealousy and divisions are being promoted. There is only one source; the spirit has one form; the souls of all humans are the same, only the tradition and customs are different. Always embrace the path of mercy, compassion, non-violence, peace; this is the message I want to convey to our society and to all the citizens of the world.
True spirituality, the true human spirit, will always search for truth. The search for truth is the only beneficial way for humans. Despite the existence of thousands of paths, chaos, greed, attachment, anger and jealousy have imprisoned our society and humankind. In this way the world is heading towards destruction. So, it is high time that the citizens of the world think about it. Humans should never forget their ultimate spiritual duty and their society. Refrain from killings, violence, greed, jealousy, attachments and evil character. Shed tears of mercy and compassion; show to the world the way of salvation.
After we die it is extremely difficult to get back a human life. Everyone thinks that we do not reincarnate after death. No, we receive a human life due to our virtuous work. We earn the fruits due to the merits of our work. Now the world is governed by three forms. The first form is greed, the second form is anger, the third form is attachment and jealousy that are ruling this world. May all the religious traditions change. All the religious people need to first find the truth and by cultivating mercy, compassion, non-violence and peace in their hearts they need to beautify the world with the way of salvation. I will continue to contemplate and meditate for the salvation of living beings by being focused in my path of wisdom until I find the ultimate form of enlightenment, the Samyak Sambodhi. Salute to the ultimate form of enlightenment and may peace be with everyone.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

शिव रात्रि

शिव रात्रि को एक अन्य दृष्टी से भी समझ सकते है | इस युगल शब्द में रात्रि शब्द पर विचार करे तो ज्ञात होगा की रात्रि  ,दो शब्दों से बना है | रा + त्रि |संस्कृत भाषा में रा शब्द का तात्पर्य देना होता है | to give | त्रि को तीन की संख्या से सभी परिचित है | ये रात्रि अंधकार की सूचक केसे है | क्यों हम लोग ये शब्द प्रकाश के विपरीत अर्थ में प्रयुक्त करते है |वस्तुतः हम लोग संसार में अपनी अभिव्यक्ति इन तीन से करते है | हमारे  अन्नमय ,प्राणमय और मनोमय कोष ये तीन ही सहायक होते है | ये तीन कोष ही देते है | व्यहवारिक जगत में | हमारी क्रिया ,हमारे संकल्प हमारे भाव इत्यादि |तब हम वस्तुतः रात्रि में ही जीते है | यहाँ कृष्ण भगवान के गीता के वचनों को याद किया जासकता है | जो सांसारिक लोगो के लिए दिवस है , वह वस्तुतः योगीओं के लिए रात्रि ही है | यहाँ गूढ़ अर्थ में यही  अर्थ होता है की साधारणतः व्यक्ति इस अंधकार मय जीवन में जीता है | क्योंकि इन तीन कोशो को मात्र सर्वे सर्वा मानकर व्यक्ति विचरता है | परिणाम स्वरूप संसार में विडंबनाओ का पदे पदे सामना करना ही  पड़ता है | अशांति और दुःख छुटाए नहीं छूटते | यह है रात्रि | जो अन्धकार से ओतप्रोत है | जो अज्ञान की सूचक मानी जाती है |परन्तु  इन स्तरों को जब शिव से जोड़ा जाता है | जो परामानसिक स्तर है | वहां से कल्याणकारी धाराएं बह कर हमारी चेतना को संसार के लिए उपयुक्त बना देती है | तब शिव रात्रि सार्थक बन पड़ती है |ये जन जन के भीतर का मार्ग ही कल्याण का मार्ग बनता है , फिर रात्रि को मात्र रात्रि नहीं रहने देता उसे शिव स्वरूप बना देता है | ये तीनो कोष कल्याण कारी बनकर संसार में सुख का कारण बन जाते है | 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Miracle from the Yogis

In the early 1918 ShriTarniKant Thakur was living in Kashi.In his previous time he lived in Dhaka.He had many miraculous powers but did not show any other for manipulation.If you have in your fist  some secret things then he could see easily in his closed eyes.And could tell some one  what he had.Once a person who had the curiosity about the miracle went for this purpose to TarniKant Thakur.Shri TarniKant said to this person take a paper and torn it.He did likely.Then Tarnikant said ,write on this whatever what you want on each piece of the paper.He did .And these pieces were in his fist.Then TarniKant said to him," I closed my eyes and u take a piece step by step,I will tell what has been written in each piece."Yes Thakur was reading each piece of paper easily.It was reallyamazing.This person went to another Yogi Shri Vishuddhananda.And said about the miracle.Vishuddhananda said it is true but it goes further.He said ,'write some thing on the paper .' He wrote.Then Swami said,'Torn this paper and burn.' He did likely. Vishuddhanda gave the air to that ash of paper. That ashes got merge in air.Now Swami said ,"See under my pillow." He saw and got astonished.The same paper was with his writing there.There was the clearification that no thing can be destroyed in the Universe.It remains continue in other state some one can get it again many times.In this there is no miraculous event.It is the act of SatkaryaVaad of Sankhya.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Three fishes with same event

A very  beautiful story we find in the Mahabharata . There were three fishes in a river and had friendship.But these three had different kind of nature.The story actually says through event that man must avoid the Procrastination ( who are habitual to be late) in every area of life.
Prevision is another faculty who can imagine the coming event  and goes accordingly and Sudden activeness o
r we can say when the event come to happen they act.
In the story once a fishermen came to the river to gather the fishes .So he arranged to make a small brook for passing the water to make empty the river so that he might throw the net and get the fishes.
This was seen by the fish who had the prevision mind it saw that the water will get the bottom and we would be in the net.So this fish suggested to both of them  that we must seek the means to escape the from fisherman. The fish which had the procrastinating mind said it would take more time so we must not worry about we will see after some time so be relax now.  
Other fish said ,' I will see that time what must be done .' 
So the fish who had prevision became anxious about both .But itself made an idea to run away.So She saw another brook which was connected to the huge ocean of water.So this fish went on this way slowly slowly and reached to that ocean.After reaching it felt relax from the coming danger .
                                 So the time came and water got bottom, the fisherman throw the net in the river. The Lazy fish got in the net but another fish who was habitual to take action at a time she caught the net  out side,fisherman thought that it is also in the net. So when fisherman took his net to wash the fishes another water pond that time this talented fish skipped the net and jumped in the pond.So this fish also got freedom.
So it is dangerous to be lazy when the event is coming towards, some one must think about it must get the idea to escape from.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

A Drop from another Dimension: Thakur Ramsahai (3)

A mysterious experience which once Thakur Ramsahai shared to a desciple .It was about a aashram the Kaushik Aashram.In the Himalaya there is a hill called Kaushik hill ,the aashram is actually cituated here.In shape it looks like a lotus flower,and covered by the is about half mile .It looks like iceland .But it was amazing that there was not ice in the aashram.Its land was rink.Under this there was a river which was flowing continue to the way.Thakur says its name is Mandakini,and one must be care full when he crosses this river.Thakur says to his disciple there were many trees which were full of beuatiful flowers and different kind of fruits , are not availabe in the Indiain lower populated land .There were thirteen seating place in that Aashram . From these thirteen seats or Aasan ten were settled like whenever one who is sitting on that seat can not see others.And remaining three were settled before ten seats, they can see each others.Thakur Ramsahai saw all of them who were sitting on that ten aasanaas .They were vibration-less glorious person had the shining body.Like a statue.There hands were in their laps.There skin were like stony and some where torn or cracked ,all were in peaceful faces.They all were had the huge body structure,Ramsahai says that one could not reach with garland to there neck.Ramsahai had to keep the stone on the land when he wore or put the garlands to them.Their eyes were covered by hanging skin of their eyelids.Ramsahai says their about six inches under the lids the eyes were shining.Their faces were raddish.No one can say that how many years had passed for.Ramsahai's desciple asked,' Parheps they have done Kaya-Kalp.' Ramsahi said that time to his discipe,'By kaya-kalp one can get new body but it can not remain stable,their body were with shining becasue of their Tapscharya or penance.'All remaing three aashanaas were without ascetic.They were for purpose of welfare of society went to lower land.Thakur Ramsahai lived here about fifteen days.Ramsahai always used to offer them the fruits and served accordingly.Now a natural question was from his disciple to Thakur Ramsahai ,,' I have read many biographies who were in the Himalayan tour including maansarover in there duration.but no one has said about the place which u mentioned the Kaushik Aashram.'Ramsahai said ,'These r invisible places for worldy ordinary persons but one who has been mastered in yoga can see all mysterious places.'

A Pray for Soma : An element for wellness

इन्द्राय सोमम ऋत्विज सुनोता च धावत स्तोतु: यो वच :शृण वद हवम च मे ॥ अथर्व 

We should see in this mantra some technical words .Like what is the meaning of Ritviz .We see one who perform the deeds in right time is called the ritviz.
See in Nature all kind of activities happen in right time.So they can be also the ritviz.
In our body the system like digestive system, respiratory system,blood circulatory system reproductive system etc all perform their activities in timely.Whenever the requirements or demands appear the activities take place.Like when our body need the food we feel the hunger.Same way the  organs of the body work.The food enters in the stomach the digestive juice secretion starts.In same way whole system working.Kidney ,liver, lungs, intestine, rectum etc. So they r also the Ritvik.
Now Soma .One who can  produce the coolness  for Agni or fire, can be said Soma.For example if our fire of hunger get relief from the edible items then it is Soma.From this Soma our stomach  extracts the essence.This is pure essence called Rasa ,further it is continue to purer and purest.In this mantra says धावत ,meaning do clean and clean in process till the end  According to  the Ayurveda the  last element is in our  digestive system  makes the Majjaa .Majjaa is ending purest state of edible food,which gives the nourishment to our body.And also the vitality to Indra the lower consciousness.
Mantra says, O Ritviz ! Hear the admirable our sanctus or the reflex , and my invoking.
We can understand when  body organs all hail but it is not heard by that soma. Even it gets the disease or may be damage Why because The Soul (my invoking) is not involving in its calling or hail.Like we must merge with that organ.
For example in one kind of Yoga when breathing is felt entering nose , feeling  as whole body becomes the nose.Our existence merges in that call or hail .Then Soma  certainly comes and Nourishes also our Soul  with lower conscientiousness ;the jiva(Indra).
Indra in his lower form jiva while in upper level the Soul.Soul does not depend upon the vitality , produced by foods.But its Soma comes from higher realm and gets the energy for whole body system.
O Ritviz makes the essence for Indra  that extract  it self must be cleaning and cleaning in process and our expression admiring you Hear My invoking.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A Drop from another Dimension: Thakur Ramsahai 2

Naveen Chandra Sen who was famous about his Plassi Yuddh written book but he was deputy magistrate in the time. About Thakur Ramsahai he says one day I was sitting on my sofa in the morning after fresh when he was in service in the court.The room in which he sat,its front side there was open place in the house. He says I was normally and easily looking in the gallery relaxing my head on the top of sofa.Suddenly  he looked Thakur Ramsahi  appeared and standing in veranda. Shri Naveen says that there was not the way to come in.Neither I saw him to coming from, and the gate was closed.He just came from the sky way.Shri Naveen did not talk about his coming that time.But another time he asked about the appearances of the yogi from nothingness or aakaash in general .That time respected Thakur Ramsahaai said yes wherever the electric goes the yogi can go through ,with all  stuff or goods.Thakur Ramsahai also said that yogi can appear many places in one time.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

A Drop from another Dimension : Thakur Ramsahai

The power which comes from the unnatural sources  may be unbearable or harmful to the vessels.The people or the practitioner or exerciser who r on the spiritual path seeks the person like Guru who can give him the blessing  through which  one can experience the high realm of consciousness .
Some realized person who may have the ability to pass the energetic current in their meditative state prevents him self to do like this.They know there r many harmful incidents may take place in the physical body .But the hunger for fame conveys them on that way.Who  can say what is happening to their disciples.There r rare chances to develop the moral reforms in that person.They r not beneficial to the society.Although in these some exception can be not fitted.The fitted person may have  the deserving    or the eligibility to accept the  energy.
In the early twentieth century about 1911 there was a air about  a Sadhu who was said to have the power the invoking the so called kundalini by touch the body of the person.This incidence was from Ranchi.A person was saying about that Baba that he can  awake the Kundalini by only touching his finger and person can get the Darshan of Devi and Devata and he can see the ocean of light.
In this rumors a real aspirant who have the eagerness for ....can have the confusion about his Guru.So one of them went to his Master Thakur Ram Sahai who gave him some yogic hints for practice but could not find any progress or the achievements which was in rumors about that Baba.
Thakur Ramsahai who himself remains every time in meditative state.He had the ability whatever must be in the Yogi.He advised his follower that there is a game of Pnnch Bhoot donot try to take it force it would not be good.But his disciple was not ready to this kind of advise.
So then Thakur Ramsahai said him sit before me for a moment.The disciple sat before him in suitable posture.Shri Ramsahai saw to his eye with unblinking sight. and touched his body.Then within a moment this disciple felt current like activities  which he couldnot tolerate suddenly he went in unconscious.Thakur reversed his energy from him.He reamained in that condition about one and half hour.
Thakur said ,'I have the ability to give u some thing but u r unable to receive it so result is this.'
Thakur Ramsahai advised it is inside event it must be realized after the self realization which would be for infinite time and it would come in real and suitable time.

After the Death In the last page of Bankim Chandra

In my previous blog journey beyond death I have indicated that Bankim goes another place which  is very beautiful.He says it is the corner of the Heaven.From where the souls leave the subtle body and go for gross body and new birth on the Earth or may be other place.He also differs between his body and the body where he came to see new place.He says that here in this place sould have different nature or emotions.They all have some kind of demerits.Bankim says from here all souls goes for new birth.
He also says about the death how one goes out side the body and can not enter in his body again.
He concludes that Death is very beautiful state in the Universe.Because now one is free from body disturbances and walks for beauty.

Now in this blog which is Last on the topic Bankim has been continuing for three years to meet her wife smt Magnmayi Devi.Now giving hints why he ignores now to come on the Earth 
Here he forces that man must go at the feet of God in his life ,they must get progress in spiritual path.He says here in this blog man is being blind although having eyes ,man ignores that the time is coming for death near to near.Then no way to escape or deny for results of their deeds.
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---- Now here the series is taking rest due to ending episode
" और एक दिन अज्ञान लोक में अर्थात निम्न श्रेणी में उन लोगो का हाल जानने के लिए गए थे |वहां प्रकाश का अभाव है |चारों और कुहांसे से ढका हुआ है | सर्वदा ही मानो अन्धकार छाया रहता है |यहाँ की आत्माओं की सुक्ष्म देह में कोई ज्योति नहीं है , मानो मृत व्यक्ति है | कहाँ इनकी समाप्ति होगी ,भगवान ही जाने |यहाँ का दृश्य देख कर ह्रदय कम्पित हुआ |मन में धेर्य नहीं रहा | अभी भी जीवात्मा के उन्नत होने की आशा हो तो और चिंता छोड़ कर अनाथ शरण श्री भगवान् का आश्रय लेना चाहिए | मृत्यु लोक में लोग चक्षु पाकर भी लोग अंधे हो जाते है |अंतिम दिन कितना भयानक होता है | इसका कभी स्मरण नहीं करते |उसका परिणाम यहाँ आकर भोग रहे है |
इस लोक के विभिन्न स्थानों को देखते देखते तीन वर्ष बीत गए |कितने दिन भाव धाम छोड़ कर ,मुझे नित्य धाम में आये हुवे बीते स्मरण रखना कठिन है |धीरे धीरे पुत्र कन्याओं के ह्रदय से मेरी आकृति लुप्त होती जारही है | मै भी इस समय  यही चाहता हूँ | मुझको विस्मृत हो जाने पर ही तुम लोगो के मन में शान्ति आएगी | पिता -माता न रहने पर संतान को कितना कष्ट होता है ,यह एक दिन हमने भी अनुभव किया था |मेरी वृद्धा माता की मृत्यु हुई थी तब में निर्जन में बैठ कर अश्रु विसर्जन किया करता था | माता के अभाव में मेरे लिए समस्त संसार शुन्य हो गया था |में अनुभव करता हूँ किवृद्धा माता के लिए जब इतना कष्ट होता है तो जिनकी माता का अल्प आयु में देहांत होजाए ,उन्हें कितना दुःख होता होगा |भगवान ने वह दिन भी दिखा दिया | सवेरे राजू कि स्त्री मृत्यु मुख में पतित हुई ,उसकी संताने माता विहीन होकर अपार दुःख में डूब रही है | मेरी आँखों को यह भी देखना पडा |"
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----  Bankim Chandra was an advocate in Calcutta high court. His wife smt Magnmayi devi had occult activities from her childhood and after maturity she became fame in Calcutta. After the death of Advocate Bankim she made connection with him. Bankim used to come and meet her. All details which we here posting were written in Bengali language through widow wife by Bankim.It was translated when a learned yogi met her copied  in a bundle of papers. Here in series original first converted language is being posted.