Monday, 26 August 2013

ASTAMI is Important for KRISHNA appearance

Krisna always take birth on Astmi .Here we can under stand that why Astmi is choosed for Krisna like person. Appearance on the level eighth is very important,इन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनो मनसः सत्वमुतमम सत्वादधिमह� �� ��नात्म�� �� � महतोअव्यक्मुतमं 6/7 kathWe have in our inner life seven level which r used for outer world.These r according to verse of Upnishad 5 insturments for knowledge or perceptions with mind and intellect which is merge in ego.Ordinary person lives on these levels.They r seven.Every time we behave likely either good or may be evil.Here on the seventh level Sat and Asat we can called.We should know that three koshas have its own level with mind and intellect.Annamay has 5 karmendriya+mind +egoistic intellect.Likely in praanmaya 5 vital pran+mind+egoistic intellect .When some one try to go beyond means he is over sat and asat. Here one can churn. Symbolically we can imagine two wooden sticks which r in crossing each other making the cross.Lying horizontally and vertically.So one who can go beyond the level and establish him self on that level ,we can say when sadhna becomes mature he jumped to over and take birth on eighth level.which is in this verse of Upnishad सत्वादधिमहानात्म�� �� � The word Krishna means Kris +Na the root word kris karasne means attraction. Sat and Asat here turbulence rapidly on this level but in sadhna one never gets attraction towards the world.So why Krish+na called beyond sat and asat we can understand.And also he has no attraction to personal desires or worldly desires.That person can be only the KRISHNA who takes birth on Astmi.The possibility in every man that can have the birth of godly Krishna on this level.The appearance.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Spiritual festival RAKSHA_BANDHAN

मानव जीवन की सार्थकता उसके भीतर चेतना के होने मात्र से दिखाई पड़ती है | मानव में आत्मा का प्रवेश बहुत बड़ा भाग्योदय मान सकते है | यह होना मात्र "अस " कहलाता है | व्यक्तित्व के सभी स्तरों पर इस  चैतन्य का प्रवाह हो रहा है|बुद्धि ,क्रिया और भाव संसार की ओर चल कर अच्छे बुरे समाज और वातावरण के जन्म दाता बनते है | इसी को सुन्दर बनाने की कल्पना मनीषीयो  की रहती है | यह "सु " बने यही वांछित हो | इस सामुदायिक शब्द को  सु+अस=  स्वस कहा जाता है | यही स्वस आ प्रत्यय से स्वसा बना है ,जिसके भगिनी ,बहिन इत्यादि पर्याय है |जब बुद्धि सुबुद्धि हो ,क्रिया सद्क्रिया हो ओर भाव सद्भाव हो तो वह वस्तुतः स्वस है भगिनी है यश प्रदायिनी है |यह जहाँ एक ओर पूर्ण आल्हाद (पूर्णिमा ; चदि आल्हादने पूर्ण चन्द्रमा आल्हादन का द्योतक है ) का वातावरण बनाने में सहायक है ,वही इस त्रयी को ओंकार युक्त करने में सहायक बनती है | दीर्घ उ(रक्षक ) के साथ इसे स +ऊ- सू  से संबोधित करते है |यही "सू " त्रयी के साथ मिल कर सूत्र बना हुआ है | जिसे प्रचलित भाषा में रक्षा सूत्र कहा ही जाता है |यही सूत्र स्वसा व्यक्तित्व को पोषक बन रक्षा करता है | पोषक के लिए भ्राता शब्द से हम सभी परिचित है |परम सत्ता इस सूत्र से मानव के स्वस स्तर से नित्य जुडी है | अतः रक्षा बंधन आधात्मिक दृष्टि से  महत्त्व पूर्ण त्यौहार है |

Soul who enters in the human body actually very fortunate in compare to other animal .If the soul exists in the human body then it is called ‘AS " in hindi  the existing. At all level of personality the consciousness works like flowing energy. Intelligence, emotion and activities all r the gate way through which the energy makes gross atmosphere either good or evil.The learned people always try to make beautiful society.So for goodness it is Soo for all three gates .There must be good wisdom for wellness in society ,Activities must be also  good and for wellness with good emotions. Svas which means sister,the synonyms Bhagini the giver of Yasha.Certainly goodness always increases the Yash (reputation or fame )All three which mentioned before represent the word TRA = they become su , increases the protective  level linked with super consciousness indicating here the vowel U (laterally means the protector) . So with U the word gives Sa (with)+U(the super conscious level,protector)+TRA ( the three gate ways flowing their goodness.) make SOOTRA   we know this like thread or sutra, other side it creates the pleasant atmosphere (the full moon is the indication  chadi –aalhaadne makes the word Chandrama)The sutra always gives the nourishment to svas level of consciousness so for this we see the  word BHRATA(brother) in the language.Bhrata already represents meaning to nourish .This festival of Raksha Bandhan has the mysterious massage which makes the society beautiful other side one can get the higher realm of consciousness.  

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Yoga and Diet ------------ Paramhansa Yogananda

" Even foods, which also are material condensations of astral rays of life, have effects that are correlated to their color. Various kinds of natural white foods are good for the nervous system,- they benefit the white matter of the brain. Berries are good for the gray matter of the brain—that is, blueberries or blackberries (which are really purple). Most fruits are gold in color (or variants of gold, such as red and orange). As gold is the color of the creative vibratory energy in matter, such fruits help the muscles, the blood, and the tissues. Goat's milk, unbleached almonds, and raisins are very good for the nervous system. But all forms of meat of higher animals, especially beef and pork, are harmful to the nervous system; they are hyper-stimulating and cause aggressiveness.Avoid too much starch, especially foods made from refined flour. Eat whole grains, cottage cheese, and plenty of fruits, fruit juices, and fresh vegetables—these are important. Needless to say, alcoholic beverages and drugs destroy the nervous system; stay away from them.A yogic drink that is very good for the nervous system is made by adding crushed rock candy and fresh lime juice to a glass of water. It should be thoroughly mixed and evenly blended so that the taste is equally sweet and sour. I have recommended this to many people with excellent results.Another beneficial practice when you are very nervous is to take a cold bath. I once told this to a newspaperman. He said, "Well, if I did that every time I was nervous, I would have to carry a bathtub with me all the time!" I said, "Not necessary. Take a large piece of ice and rub it all over, the body, especially over all the openings of the body. With this yoga technique, you will find that your nerves will become much calmer."